ACC Environmental


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    Service: Underground Storage Tank Removal/Site Closure
    Facility Type: Redevelopment Property


    During site redevelopment and pre-grading activities several underground storage tanks (USTs) were discovered on the property. An excavator damaged one tank and a minor amount of waste oil was released onsite. ACC mobilized an emergency response team to minimize the impact of the leaking UST. In addition to the emergency response ACC contact the local Department of Environmental Health to witness the emergency response pump out and removal of the USTs.

    ACC provide the safe removal and disposal of the USTs.  After the UST was completely removed from the ground ACC conducted soil verification sampling under the direction under the direction of the local Department of Environmental Health. Although soils were impacted by the accidental release, all impacted soils were segregated and properly disposed of under manifests. No indication of an unauthorized release were observed or indicated in the confirmation soil samples collected beneath the waste oil take excavation following removal.

    Based on sample analytical results and field observations, ACC confirmed soil sample results indicated low to non-detectable levels of constituents. ACC recommended no further work is recommend for this site and requested the Unauthorized Release related to the waste oil tank to be closed.