ACC Environmental


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    Construction Defects Services / Building Health

    Construction defects are quite common and can affect the value and overall health of the home or building. Defects that are most often highlighted are those that depreciate the value of a building or that interfere with its use. However, some defects can cause serious health problems for residential or commercial property tenants. ACC has extensive experience working jointly with construction defects professional, and can advise you on how our industrial hygiene evaluations can be used to corroborate building health problems related to identified construction defect issues.

    ACC’s Construction Defect Services include:

    • Expert witness support in cases involving building forensics
    • Baseline industrial hygiene assessments of existing structures and building system conditions.
    • Post-Construction Audits
    • Perform assessments of building systems after an accident or failure event has occurred.
    • Conduct inspections and assessments related to mold and other hazardous building materials/conditions.
    • Interpretation of inspection and assessment reports related to mold and other hazardous building materials/conditions.
    • Design and/or present Safety Trainings related to protecting occupants and workers associated with areas of a building that may be affected by a defective building system
    • Evaluate other building systems such as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning systems (HVAC) that may be adversely affected by areas of the building impacted by construction defects.